Photo by Gina Grandi
RACHEL BRICE Tokyo Workshops
Thank you all for your interest and participation in Rachel‘s event. Our apologies for the late announcement of the workshop venues. We have been trying hard to secure a larger venue than originally planned, to be able to accommodate as many people as possible in the long waiting lists, and the many requests to partake in the workshops.
Kindly be aware that the venues and locations for WS A and WS B are different. Also, please take note that the starting and ending time of WS B has been changed to 2 hours later than initially scheduled.
If you have any questions about location and time change please message
Thank you so much again!!!
9. 8. 2018 (Sat)
✪ WS A
* The Datura Technique: Hip Up Study
* and Tricky-Gooey-Combos
(Both topics will be combined into a 4.5 hour workshop)
@ Radiant Hall (ラジアントホール)
Open: 10:30 Start: 11:00 End: 15:30 Close: 16:00
Price: 16,500 円
The Datura Technique: Hip Up Study
Hip Up is the first study in the Datura Fundamentals Series. It lays the foundation for all the craziness to come, and accelerates the growth of any dancer who practices it regularly. Jam- packed but only 10 minutes long, even the busiest dancer can use this practice to revisit the daily basics of good-old belly dance hip work and stay at the top of their game.
This class goes into minute details about all aspects of the study so you can take it home and practice with confidence.
Combine American Cabaret and Fusion styles of belly dance with a heady dose of rhythmic trickery, contrast, and dramatic quality changes. Chill. Lay these on a bed of rib cage circles, seemingly boneless arm work, and huge, relaxed hips for a double-layered-triple-threat. Serve hot.
You learn them, they’re yours. Use these combinations in your next choreography or integrate these Datura Style combos into your improvisational vocabulary.
Experience with belly dance recommended (but not must), as these will be complex. Brush up on your spins and isolations for this one, bring a towel and water bottle.
Waiting List:
Photo by Irene Retoro
9. 9. 2018 (Sun)
✪ WS B
* Twitch (Parts 1 & 2)
* Shake It Up & Break It Down
(Both topics will be combined into a 4.5 hour workshop)
@ Kawasaki City Football Arena Sports Room
川崎市とどろきアリーナ 体育室
Open: 12:30 Start: 13:00 End: 17:30 Close: 18:00
(Please take note that the starting and ending time of WS B has been changed to 2 hours later than initially scheduled.)
Price: 16,500 円
Twitch (Parts 1 & 2)
Contrasting uid technique with quick isolations + musicality = WHOA.
In this workshop we’ll learn how to develop the contrasting qualities of fluid and percussive. We’ll experience two different types of practice: One to build both flexibility and control for slow movements, and one for speed for clean hip-work and locks.
Part One: We’ll learn learn how to gain speed and clarity for locks, hip-work, and several shimmies through a carefully constructed practice sequence.
Part Two: We’ll learn phrases that integrate both slow and fast movements, and serves up a heavy dose of musical interpretation. You can use these combos for practice or performance.Bring water.
Shake It Up & Break It Down
Can you handle 3/4 shimmies at top speed?! If not, learn how!
In this workshop we’ll learn 8 different approaches to our old friend the 3/4, including shimmies on the up and on the down, with different accents and foot patterns. Be sure that you’re comfortable with 3/4 shimmies on the up and on the down to get the most out of this class. Aaaand bring some water. We’re gonna need it.
Waiting List:
Photo by Greis Ferreira
✪ Workshops are 16,500 円 each.
✪ All workshops are for dancers of all levels
✪ Both female and male dancers are welcome to take the workshops